Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The new "fitted" fleece cover!

I gave the one I made a good trial run up at the cabin.  We were there 6 days, and I only wanted to wash diapers twice, which means I had to stretch my stash since we line dry up there.  And it was super humid the first time I washed; the diapers took sooooo long to dry!

I have to say I am absolutely in LOVE with this new fitted fleece cover over any other style of cover I've tried - including my side snapping ones!! To stretch my stash, took the inserts out of my flats, used them by themselves, and padfolded the flats to make more inserts.  I couldn't snap any of them in, since I only added snaps to the new insert I made to try this idea out - and they stayed in place great!  I used our bamboo inserts and padfolded flats in my regular side snapping covers, but they didn't stay in place quite as well, and I think that's because with the fitted cover, I can set the rise wherever I want, so overall it fits better - then with a better fit, the fleece "grabs" the absorbent fabric, helping it stay in place better. With the regular side snapping fleece covers, I ended up pinning the insert in the front to keep it in place better.

The new fitted fleece cover is bulky if used over a fitted, especially a heavily padded fitted (like a nighttime diaper) . . . but it can be done! :)

Front view

Rear view

I must say I love pins with these.  I get such a great fit!!  I will offer them with a snap option though - I just need to figure out the snap pattern placement, since fleece is so stretchy, it will be a little different than the snap pattern on my fitted diapers. 

Here's a link to the photo album on my Facebook page, which shows how it works: The new fitted fleece cover.